Categories: Blog209 words1 min read
In Montessori there are no punishments or rewards; instead, respectful interactions, encouragement, and redirection are meticulously planned. That’s correct. There were no “time-outs,” sticker charts, or grades. Parents and inexperienced teachers are frequently perplexed by the lack of rewards and penalties.

Most children are not born with the ability to be self-motivated and self-sufficient, choosing their own work, completing it, and concentrating for long periods of time. Their concentration takes time to develop, and they frequently require assistance in focusing or selecting a activity. Their “demand for attention” might manifest itself in a variety of ways, including racing around the room, chasing a friend, or repeatedly touching and interrupting another child’s work. Traditional behavioural techniques such as “time outs” are not used by Montessori teachers. The child is not acting out because they are “bad,” but rather because they want to be engaged and interested in something and need some help getting there.

Praise can be a fickle friend. Teachers promote introspection when a child brings over work they are happy of, rather than responding “good job,” by saying things like “you must be really proud of that hard work you did.” Instead of always seeking outside acceptance, the child finds internal motivation with more precise effort-focused acknowledgement.

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